What is Macro4Micro?
Some simple rules in investing are “know what you own,” “know your risks,” and “know the cost of being wrong.” That requires high-quality and insightful inputs whether experienced opinion research, analytical resources, or hard data.
Macro4Micro offers institutional quality research to a broad range of customer profiles. With our extensive background in capital markets and credit risk management, we offer differentiated asset risk perspectives for equity portfolios as well.
We drill down and roll up critical fundamental risk factors that can affect portfolios of all sizes, asset classes, and risk parameters. We engage readers from the macro level of economic data down across industry trends and the individual company level.
Institutional research subscription products can be very expensive in today’s markets, but this cost curve will be coming down with so many new channels opening across the media landscape. Macro4Micro plans to be part of this coming secular trend. Our evolving product suite is in its early stages but will be designed to allow readers to tailor their information needs and budgets rather than accepting one-size-fits-all pricing.
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Glenn Reynolds, CFA
Glenn Reynolds is a respected voice in the credit markets with 40 years in financial research. He started in asset management at Prudential Capital Markets and then moved to Lehman Brothers and later Deutsche Bank where he served as head of global credit research at both companies. During those years, Glenn was named to Institutional Investor All-America Teams across a variety of industries.
Glenn’s next stop was as co-founder of CreditSights in Sept 2000 where he served as its first CEO and lead investor in its original funding round. While at CreditSights, Glenn’s input was sought by the House, Senate, and SEC on various reforms after the fallout from Enron, WorldCom, and later the Global Financial Crisis. He was inducted into the Fixed Income Analysts Society Hall of Fame in 2012.